Improve your teaching effectiveness

  • TeachIt is a digital whiteboard for teaching where preconfigured content appears as presented on a blackboard.
  • Dynamic presentation of content focuses the attention of your students on your line of thought.
  • TeachIt can be used both for online teaching and in the classroom.

Prepare your class faster and better

  • Prepare your content once and reuse it as you see fit. Import exisiting materials and content by drag-drag-and-drop.
  • Use text, images, math, drawings and video as needed.
  • Leave the presentation to TeachIt while you focus on the explanation.

Share and Reuse Content

  • Help build a library of ready-to-use material, by subject and teaching level.
  • Reduce your workload by reusing standard components, such as equations.
  • Maintain your individual approach and mix-and-match with your materials.
Import Powerpoint content to TeachIt.

Convert your existing PowerPoint presentations using our online tool. Optionally donate your material to the community for re-use under a creative commons license.

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